ESAComp Incorrect Bending Sitffness?

Andreas_ Altair Community Member

Hi all,

I am busy working on some beam-bending calculations in ESAComp. Compared to my hand calculations, the EI_y value from ESAComp was different. On further investigations, it seems ESAComp is doing E^f_x * Iy while I am doing E^f_y * Iy.

My understanding was that the flexural terms the 2.5D analaysis generates are felxure about their sub-script axis, therefore I have been using E^f_y as for a beam with a cross-section in z-y and lenght along x, this is the flexure term I need when applying a load at the end of the beam along z.

I know the likelihood of ESAComp being wrong about this calculation is low, but if that isn't the case, could someone please explain why using the E^f_x term is correct when the beam would not be bending about the x-axis?




  • etembras
    Altair Employee

    Hello Andreas. I don't see anything wrong in your rationale / explanation, but I also agree that the likelihood of ESAComp being wrong in this is low. I would just bet that the misunderstanding might be in some convention / assumption / naming. If you share more details about your hand-calcs and the steps you follow in esacomp, the community might find where the inconsistency is. Also, you can try doing the analsys in the Composite browser in HM or with OptiStruct to double check.