Data confidentiality issue on Analytics Workbench

Karine New Altair Community Member

We are two colleagues from the same Inserm team, and we have each installed Altair SLC and Analytics Workbench on our respective workstations, using our personal accounts and the individual licenses assigned to us.

However, we have noticed that the libraries generated by our respective programs are also visible on the local server of the other workstation’s Analytics Workbench. This means that we can access the data tables created by one another, which raises significant concerns regarding data confidentiality and security.

We would appreciate it if you could provide guidance on how to resolve this issue. Additionally, we would like to understand the cause of this behavior to ensure the secure and compliant use of Altair SLC and Analytics Workbench in our work environment.


  • Hi Karine,

    You mentioned "the libraries generated by our programs". I suppose you are using something like:

    LIBNAME MYLIB "D:\MySLCfiles";

    If so, you are choosing to put your data sets on a shared drive. Am I right?

    Best Regards,