N1,N2,N3 method
There is available script to create it
refer to this file:
usage is similar to procedure 'TestHmCollector' in that file
But it looks dissimilar to hm style
you can customize it appearance following this:
proc ::p_Demo {f args} { set h [expr [lindex [hm_getpanelarea] end]/7-4] set font {{MS Sans Serif} 10} image create photo imgBlank frame $f set btype [button $f.btype -text \u36 -font {Marlett 14} -image imgBlank -compound left -highlightthickness 0 -width 25 -height $h] foreach b {N1 N2 N3} color {60c060 60c0c0 c06060} { button $f.b$b -text $b -bg #$color -activebackground #$color -font $font -image imgBlank -compound left -highlightthickness 0 -width 60 -height $h } set breset [button $f.breset -text \u7f\21 -font $font -image imgBlank -compound left -highlightthickness 0 -width 25 -height $h] pack $btype $f.bN1 $f.bN2 $f.bN3 $breset -side left -anchor w } p_Demo .demoCollector place .demoCollector -x 500 -y 500
Appearance is like this:
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And, if you just need to call it instead of pack it in your toplevel, simply use command
set Vector [hm_getdirectionpanel]
/emoticons/default_wink.png' srcset='/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x' title=';)' width='20' />
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thank you a lots
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one more question, please.
Do you know where I can find the explain for commands with namespace like this ' ::hwt:: '
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Looking for 'Hyperworks GUI Toolkit' in reference help or in start>program>altair hyperworks>Tools
You should use hwtk from version 14, instead of hwt
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Hi tinh,
I tried to create the N1,N2,N3 by using the following command
set s_vecFrame [ ::hwt::LabeledFrame [ ::hwt::WindowRecess col ].vf ' Vector Collectors ' -side top ]
Collector $s_vecFrame.vc1 'N1,N2,N3' 1 HmVectorCol \
-withBase 1 \
-withReset 1 \
pack $s_vecFrame.vc1 -side top -anchor nw;But this is just GUI creation, How can I link three nodes I choose to the main procedure. I mean, how can I get the IDs of three nodes i choose or the vector defined by these nodes
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retrieve them by callback proc, you are using HmVectorCol as callback proc, so maybe:
set n1 [HmVectorCol get n1]
set n2 [HmVectorCol get n2]
please test it
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It doesn't work.
Moreover, I can not even pick node when use this panel.
I clicked N1, then choose a node but nothing happen at all, I can not pick any node on screen.
it was the same to N2 and N3.
For the Base node, when I tried to pick a node, there was an warning message in status bar that ' Unknown entity types found'
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You should define your own callback proc, which calls hm_getdirectionpanel
HmVectorCol is just a sample callback , I think so
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Hi Tinh,
I can get the vector define by these command by using
set vec_col [<pathname> get]
However, I still can not pick the node on screen.
May be Altair haven't completed the HmVectorCol macro yet because this issue doesn't happen to other collector.
I do not prefer to call hm_getdirectionpanel. I would like to pick the node directly without entering a panel. But seem like it is impossible.
Anyway, Thank you so much for your help.
You are really expert in this field ),
I am learning to write tkGUI but i found not much material about this in forum.
I am thankful if you can share me some of your experience like : where to learn, some example macros, how to improve the interface of GUI.
Thank you so much again
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You can use HmMarkCol or HmListCol to activate graphic engine and then can pick nodes directly, plus using hm_framework to register a callback proc which acts on every click, this callback will take node id and make it blue, green, red by pass it to HmVectorCol set 1 n1 $nodeid