Altair Inspire Material Plasticity and Structural Analysis

oezden Altair Community Member


I am trying to explore Altair Inspire and I have couple of questions:

1- Is it posible to create a material that has parameters related to plasticity in Altair Inspire?

2- Is it possible to see the mesh before running the analysis -similar to Hypermesh? When I checked the Altair Help page, it says it can be seen after analysis. Here in this link:

3- Can I adjust the element types (Triangular, Quad, linear, non-linear) in Inspire?



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2024
    1. Inspire supports linear materials, so far
    2. mesh can only be seen after running the model, or by exporting it
    3. typically it will use tetra elements for solids, and quads/mixed for shells.

    If NL materials or any other "advanced" feature is needed, you could export the model to HM, and adjust/add more advanced resources to your model there.