PhysicsAI dataset pending issue

Altair Community Member
I ama trying Physics AI for first time. after importing the data set it shows pending status and doesn't move on. Currently getting stuck here. What could be the issue?
Hi @Ajinkya_Badkas,
The same issue was reported by your colleague Ritesh Kumar as well.
We are providing the same recommendations provided to you as well.
First recommendation:
- If there are any special characters such as '&' being used in the folder name/path selected for adding the datasets, the process will have a 'pending' status.
- Hence, kindly check the folder path from where you are adding the datasets (as shown by File System in the snapshot below). Either, it has invalid characters or the folder path is very long.
- Note: folder name/path should not have no special characters.
Kindly test the same & let us know if the first set of recommendations help in resolving the issue.
In case, the issue still exists, then, kindly let us know & we will provide the second set of recommendations which requires you to have a 'admin' login.
Many thanks.
Kind Regards
Garima Singh