How do I use the hyperview TCL command to get the post handle after manually import the model

ThomasCook Altair Community Member

Just as the title says, in hyperview, I need to manually import the model and draw the cloud image first, and then I need to use TCL to output pictures in batches. How can I get some handles in this case



Best Answers

  • Michael Herve_21439
    Michael Herve_21439
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    hello @ThomasCook ,

    for a long time, our users asked us to have some recording capabilites in HyperView/HyperGraph as we proposed in HyperMesh with command.tcl file.

    hwc is our recording implementation in HyperView/HyperGraph, and it can be copy/pasted either to tcl, or to Python (from version 2024.1). This is sincelerly something you should investigate if you are not familiar with it yet, as it significantly reduces scripting effort.

    You will find assets to get familiar with hwc:

    • through our HyperWorks automation e-learning: Altair HyperWorks Customization and Automation
    • through our Altair How-To playlist dedicated to automation with HyperView/HyperGraph:

    Best Regards,


  • ThomasCook
    ThomasCook Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    Yes, you are right, hypermesh's tcl recording function is very good, I will learn HWC, thank you very much for your help.
