How to export node value in FLUX?

Nara Altair Community Member

Hello, I've keep having trouble with exporting node value like magnetic vector potential, magnetic field. (I attached the example in the below.)

I've attempted to find functional tool which enable to export post processing results, but I failed.

Only I found is that I can get the node value with sensor.

But I have to get thousands of nodes' value, so I don't think It works for me.

As I searched, someone resolved this problem with code, so If you have a code for this problem, please share with me.

It'll be better with excel file exporting.

Thank you.



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Best Answer

  • Doojong
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    안녕하세요 주나라님

    Data exchange > Export spatial quantity and formula 에서 DEX로 export 하시면 됩니다.
    아래는 B 값을 export 하는 것의 예로 캡쳐와 같이 하시면 좌표와 B값(x,y,z Bx By Bz)이 적힌 DEX 파일을 얻으실 수 있습니다.

    [설정창 캡처]

    [DEX 파일 캡쳐]


  • SimonGuicheteau
    Altair Employee


    Do not worry as you can export values in many ways.

    The simplest export format would be the Export spatial quantity as a DEX (simple txt file). This can be found in the data exchange menu. This is probably the best simple solution for you here.

    If you need to do mappings or export animations, you can probably use the import/export context and import an external mesh, compute any value on it (apply average/min/max/fft if needed) and export as another format. There are dozens of way of doing so for NVH or CFD or forces exports.

  • SimonGuicheteau
    Altair Employee

    There are also h3d export format to export all spatial quantities in the universal Altair format for animations

  • Doojong
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    안녕하세요 주나라님

    Data exchange > Export spatial quantity and formula 에서 DEX로 export 하시면 됩니다.
    아래는 B 값을 export 하는 것의 예로 캡쳐와 같이 하시면 좌표와 B값(x,y,z Bx By Bz)이 적힌 DEX 파일을 얻으실 수 있습니다.

    [설정창 캡처]

    [DEX 파일 캡쳐]

  • Nara
    Nara Altair Community Member

    Thank you for answering! It helps a lot.

    답변 감사드립니다 많은 도움이 되었습니다!


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