How to reduce the number of elements in a mesh

LauraMartinFrances Altair Community Member


my work is related to test collision areas in biological tissues such as tooth enamel.

I created the surface of the dental tissues and imported them into Hypermesh. Following, I generated the 3D models filling those with first order tetrahedral elements. I ended up with a 13 million meshes (adding all the tissues).

I am wondering if it is possible to reduce the numer of elements in the 3D model directly in Hyperworks/Hypermesh.

Thanks a lot for your help


Best Answer


  • Michael Herve_21439
    Michael Herve_21439
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hello @LauraMartinFrances ,

    sure, you can use Tetra Remesh in 3D ribbon to remesh an existing tetra mesh:

    You will have access to some options including element size to remesh:

    Hope that helps,


  • LauraMartinFrances
    LauraMartinFrances Altair Community Member

    Hi Michael,

    thank you very much for your quicke reply (sorry for my late reply but I wasn't able to log in,now fixed it).

    Sorry I forgot to mention that although I was running the 2023 version before I had to go back to 2019.1 for some issues with the meshes. I can extend on that in another communication. Therefore, at the moment I am stuck with the 2019.1 version, is it possible to reduce the numer of elements in the 3D model in this version?

    Thank you very much for your help

    Kind wishes,

  • Hello @LauraMartinFrances ,

    tetra remesh is also available fin HyperMesh 20189 (should be in Mesh panel, or Mesh drop down menu).

    That said, please open another thread, or open a support case) so that one of my colleaguie or myself can support you with your current blowking points with 2023

    Best Regards,


  • LauraMartinFrances
    LauraMartinFrances Altair Community Member

    Dear Michael,

    thank you very much for your reply.

    I checked on the 2019.1 version but I am not able to find anything similar to what you suggested.

    When in the Tetra remesh window I select 3D elements and displayed (screenshots attached) but I do not get the average size so I am not able to modify them. Instead if I click on the remesh it actually ends up with more triangles because it does a refinement or similar.

    I would very much appreciate it if you could provided some guidance

    Thnak you

  • Hello @LauraMartinFrances ,

    you need to go to TetraMesh Parameters in the panel to change your target size.

    Again I sincerely recommend you upgrade to a more recent version, please contact us through regular channel support if you need our assistance to remove any blocking point

    Best Regards,
