Reflection/transmission not defined due to possible grating lobes

jinye tong
jinye tong Altair Community Member
edited May 2022 in Community Q&A

"Reflection/transmission not defined due to possible grating lobes "

Above is the warning of the simulation. I want to simulate a frequency selective surface (FSS) made of metal, here I use the PEC, and I search for the reason, I find the setting of nearfield may help a little, but I don't know the exact size of the nearfield settings. Maybe the one forth of the lambda at fmin is the right answer? I am not sure.



  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2022

    The warning is due to the unit cell electrical size at the frequency being simulated. 

    The unit cell should be smaller or equal to 1 lambda. Else, grating lobes will occur (spatial aliasing effect).