simulation for aluminum Twitch

Reshad Ahmadi
Reshad Ahmadi Altair Community Member
edited April 2022 in Community Q&A


What is the easiest way to create shapes that most closely resembles Aluminum Twitch? Given that it does not have a fixed shape and each particle looks different in a simulation.

Is there a random shape generator somewhere online where you just have to change the scale?




Thanks in Advance,



  • Carles Bosch Padros
    Carles Bosch Padros
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2022

    Hi Reshad,

    There is no random shape generator in EDEM but the first question to answer is whether these twitches need to be flexible or not.

    If they do i would recommend using metaparticles via bonding several spheres into a desired shape. The bonding would give the particle a flexibility that you could adjust.

    If you do not need flexibility then you might just create a few random (3-4) particles that represent the most common aspect ratios and shapes in either multisphere or polyhedral particles (depending on the system to model).

    Once particle prototypes are created you can then apply a size distribution to each one of them, which would scale the same shape to different sizes according to your settings.



  • RWood
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2022

    You could take the problem away from EDEM entirely and bring in your random shapes, which you can then fill using EDEM's 'sphere fitting tool'. I don't know what CAD tools might have a random shape generator, but if there are any, you could do your file generation there, import a handful of random shapes into EDEM, fill them with spheres, bish bash bosch, job's a good 'un.
