TDB Batch_Failed

Oguzhan Senyuva
Oguzhan Senyuva Altair Community Member
edited 2023 03 in Community Q&A


I am getting the attached error while performing metal extrusion die analysis. There is no problem when performing flow analysis, but it comes out in the die. What is the cause of the problem? How can I solve it?




  • NarendraSingh
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 27

    Hello @Oguzhan Senyuva ,

    Thank you for contacting us. Can you please attach the model that you are working on? That will help us trace what is the actual reason for which yo are getting this error. 


    Narendra Singh

  • Oguzhan Senyuva
    Oguzhan Senyuva Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 27

    Hello @Oguzhan Senyuva ,

    Thank you for contacting us. Can you please attach the model that you are working on? That will help us trace what is the actual reason for which yo are getting this error. 


    Narendra Singh

    @Narendra Singh I have attached the files as attachments. 


  • Oguzhan Senyuva
    Oguzhan Senyuva Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 01

    Hello @Oguzhan Senyuva ,

    Thank you for contacting us. Can you please attach the model that you are working on? That will help us trace what is the actual reason for which yo are getting this error. 


    Narendra Singh

    Is there any progress? @Narendra Singh 

  • Oguzhan Senyuva
    Oguzhan Senyuva Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 02

    Do you have any solution suggestions?

  • NarendraSingh
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 02

    Without a model, it's impossible to find out why your model failed. Can you attach Status-EWB.log file if you are unable to attach your Inspire Extrude file. This log file will have information at what point the batch processing failed. 


  • Oguzhan Senyuva
    Oguzhan Senyuva Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 03

    I am sharing the file I encountered with an error in the tool deflection section. The file I used as the model is also included. I can get results without any problems in the extrusion part, but I have a problem with tool deflection. The log file you mentioned is in the extrusion section and contains no errors. I left the log file in the zip file in a separate folder. I'm waiting for your help. I don't have much time for my project submission :(@Narendra Singh 

    Download Link:

  • NarendraSingh
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 03

    Hello @Oguzhan Senyuva ,

    Thank you for sharing the model file. I found a few issues with the model and will fix them and send them over to you. 

    Once I have the results, I will summarize that are tips to setup the model so that you can avoid this issue. 


  • NarendraSingh
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 03

    I have attached the corrected file. 

    Here are few recomendatation for you :

    1. Cutting solid for Porholes and WeldChamber

    • Avoid solid cuts near critical geometry features
    • It is recommended to run aways from geometry feature as shown in image on Right


    2. Porholes start:

    Portholes has steep fillet and this might cause issues in meshing. For such models, it is recommended to have 10mm of billet and some portholes as Feeder


    3. Load faces for Die and Mandrel have more selection than needed.



    I hope this help with your project.

    Here are a few results:




    Thank you,

    Narendra singh