Assigning material orientation does not work

cluue Altair Community Member
edited November 2020 in Community Q&A

Hi there,

I am trying to assign a proper material orientation to my mesh, but it fails. I just created a really simple example following some YouTube tutorials.
What I do is: I create a simple surface and create a local coordinate system, then assign the material orientation by system ID. You can see what it does if I do so below. 


Is there any way around this? I am using Abaqus as a solver (don't know if thats relevant here). 

Thanks alot for any advice!





  • Adriano Koga_20259
    Adriano Koga_20259 New Altair Community Member
    edited November 2020

    just to make sure of your steps, did you do exactly:


    - select elements

    - select system

    - click assign



    Have you tried the other options such as system axis?

    I'm not quite familiar to Abaqus for Composites. Not sure if you assign the orientation to the elements or to your sections.

  • cluue
    cluue Altair Community Member
    edited November 2020

    Yes I did exactly as you mentioned. Still does not work. I also tried out all the other options as system axis etc. 

  • JulienCOMAS
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2020

    Hi Cluue,


    For Abaqus Solver, easiest way to apply composite orientation is to assign it to the property, not directly to the element.

    Please follow these steps:

    1 - Create a system in the 0° direction of your composite

    2 - Make this system an Orientation system

          Select Card edit function and select the system

          Once the system has been selected, check the Orientation box, and give a name to the Orientation


    Then check the loacl_dir box and modify locdir value : write 3 to indicates that the O° is your x axis (read Abaqus Solver help for more details on that)


    3 - Assign the orientation to the property:

    Select the property in the model Browser and in the entity editor, check the Orientation box:


    Then select your system.

    4 - You can now review the orientation of the element where this property is assigned



    Hope this will help you.



  • JulienCOMAS
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2020

    In addition to my previous answer, if you use the Composite function (in 2D panel), you just need to create a system.


    This option will transform your system in Orientation, add locdir value and assign this orientation to your property



  • cluue
    cluue Altair Community Member
    edited November 2020

    Hi Cluue,


    For Abaqus Solver, easiest way to apply composite orientation is to assign it to the property, not directly to the element.

    Please follow these steps:

    1 - Create a system in the 0° direction of your composite

    2 - Make this system an Orientation system

          Select Card edit function and select the system

          Once the system has been selected, check the Orientation box, and give a name to the Orientation


    Then check the loacl_dir box and modify locdir value : write 3 to indicates that the O° is your x axis (read Abaqus Solver help for more details on that)


    3 - Assign the orientation to the property:

    Select the property in the model Browser and in the entity editor, check the Orientation box:


    Then select your system.

    4 - You can now review the orientation of the element where this property is assigned



    Hope this will help you.



    Do you have a link to the right part of the abaqus solver help where i can find more details on locdir? As far as I can tell right now it seems like 1 is always the x axis or am I wrong? Currently trying to make that work for an cylindrical and spherical coordinate system. Anyways your advice already helped alout! 

  • cluue
    cluue Altair Community Member
    edited November 2020

    Hi Cluue,


    For Abaqus Solver, easiest way to apply composite orientation is to assign it to the property, not directly to the element.

    Please follow these steps:

    1 - Create a system in the 0° direction of your composite

    2 - Make this system an Orientation system

          Select Card edit function and select the system

          Once the system has been selected, check the Orientation box, and give a name to the Orientation


    Then check the loacl_dir box and modify locdir value : write 3 to indicates that the O° is your x axis (read Abaqus Solver help for more details on that)


    3 - Assign the orientation to the property:

    Select the property in the model Browser and in the entity editor, check the Orientation box:


    Then select your system.

    4 - You can now review the orientation of the element where this property is assigned



    Hope this will help you.




    So here is what I'm dealing with. I created a orientation coordinate system which is spherical and which is located right in the middle of my spherical shaped mesh. 




    no matter what locdir I am entering it does not change the outcome of my ply. 

    Do you know what I am still doing wrong here?