How to apply Flux load in Hypermesh?
How to apply magnetic flux load in hypermesh,
What are the different options available as shown in the image attached, namely, QBDY1, QVOL, DEFORM, PTFORCE, PTADJST, SLOAD.
There are multiples ways to export forces from Flux to OS. However the panel you ar showing is for a heat flux, it has nothing to do with a magnetic force.
From a solved magnetic Flux project, you can use the import/export context to export either a static force (using a FORCE card in OS), a transient force (TLOAD and FORCE) or an FFT of a force (DLOAD). There are some workflows explained in some of the NVH tutorials to do an FFT force computation, map it onto a structural mesh and export it back as a fem file ready to be used in OS via HyperMesh or SimLab.
Depending on your application, we can try to help you.
I attache an example to generate FFT forces on a motor towards HM. It is included in Flux examples