Adhesive Modelling in HyperMesh (Brick)

Turbokraken Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hello Everyone,


I cannot seem to get the adhesive modelling to work.

I have two simple geometries that I would like to join with an adhesive, which I would like to assign material properties to.


The way I tried doing this is via the Connectors-Panel and I wanted to create an adhesive with hexa/brick elements, so I can assign material properties and get stresses in the adhesive.

However I can never realize the conenctor.




This is what I did: 3D -> Connectors -> Area 
Location: Pick the surface of one of the meshed solids

Connect What: Pick the other whole meshed solid component

type = adhesives

Shell Gap, Quads = 10, Layers = 1


This is working so far, there is a yellow planar mesh appearing. But realization is never working, there is always the message: 0 projections could be made for the test points.


Apparently there is an underlying misunderstanding on how to go about creating a brick adhesive. I have looked into the Connector Tutorial, but it did not help me understand to get to a brick adhesive.


Could anyone assist me with the correct way of connecting two meshed solid with an adhesive material?

(Would it be an alternative to simply create a solid to act as the adhesive and TIE it to the surfaces?)


Best Regards,





  • Koushik Chandrashekhar_21806
    edited May 2020



    Attached here is a detailed document on connectors which tells in detail about creation and realization. Hope it helps.


    And, instead of shell gap, try 'constant thickness' as Hexathickness (3D - connectors - area - 'constant thickness' as Hexathickness - type 'adhesives').


    Unable to find an attachment - read this blog