nearest nodes to selected node.
Hi Raj,
You can use the below APIs:
hm_getclosestnode x y z ?elem_mark? ?node_mark?
::hwat::core::GetClosestNodeByDistance x y z n_nodeList n_exemptNodes
::hwat::utils::GetClosestNode x y z [d_tolerance] [assemname] [n_exemptNodes]
To get x y z of the user selected nodeID use:
hm_nodevalue $nodeID
For more info refer help or search the commands in Altair Connect.
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Hi livil,
Thank you for quick response.
My requirement is I want to get 10 first order nodes only for example (number will varies)near to the selected node.
I am getting one node by busing this .
Can I get some idea on it.
Thank you
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set node_list
- ;
# we are getting closest node at (0 0 0)
for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} \
{*createmark elements 1 all;
eval *createmark nodes 1 $node_list;
set id [hm_getclosestnode 0 0 0 1 1]
*clearmark node 1
*clearmark elems 1
lappend node_list $id}
puts $node_list
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Hi thank you pandurang