How to retrieve Data from user profile and discussion forums in Enterprise Socail Network

amjedt New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A


I am doing a research to read from Enterprise Socail Network which is running only inside the organization. I want to do analysis for the user profiles and discussion forums to find out the most frequent words generated by each user. My questions is: how to let Rapidminer read from user profile and discussion forums ( as these are the documents for my text mining ).


Kind Regards,




  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee

    Hello Amjed,

    Can you export from your enterprise social network to a flat file (csv, excel)?  That would certainly be the easiest.  Otherwise you can use the web mining tools to scrape the data but it's a lot more work to clean it up.  If you have access to the back end you should be able to export.
