Move FE-Geometry-Elements into normal FE-mesh component

You can move them into a new component with organize but it looks like it duplicates the elements. You can delete the surface but it sounds like you want to keep the surface.
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My task is to mirror FE-elements. After this step the mirrored elements are organized in the geo-container (and thats not useful for me). Organizing into a second component and reorganizing in first component again solves this unintended FE-geo behaviour. An option in mirror menu for preventing FE-geo generation would be helpfull.
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If you mirror the elements 'by component' (rather than mirroring the component entity itself), it doesn't do that, even with geometry set to FE Geom mode under preferences, and even if the 'original' elements are in the geom container, the new elements are put in FE container on mirror. Only when you reflect the component in full does it put them in geom container.