How Weighted compliance works?
I'm running an optimization problem which minimizes the WEIGHTED COMPLIANCE, I would like to know if I increase the weight of one subcase, the software will add more material where the force of this loadcase is applied? what does this means for the software?
If I increase the weight, the software consider that specific subcase as more important?
Does the software achieve a smaller compliance at the end of the optimization since the starting one is higher due to the weight?
correct, you can assign a different weighting factor for each loadcase so that you define more/less important ones.
Sometimes you may want to normalize loadcases that have a much large order of magnitude in loads as well.
numerically is as simple as adding a multiplier, so that the final weighted compliance is:
sum (Wi * Ci)
Do not attach too much to the numerical value of the compliance itself, but more on if it is reducing or not, compared to the initial value. Of course, adding a weightinh factor will change your final value, but the most important thing is understandnig what is it doing overall.