Different algorithm for modeling and nested in GA for feature selection
New Altair Community Member
can you maybe post your proess?
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Dear lattii,
to be honest your process looks a bit odd in general. You apply the k-nn on the learned data in the GA, which leads to overtraining. Further you used a split validation by hand w/o taking the Ga into account, this is again something which yields to overtraining. I would suggest to put a cross validation around everything. It is further a bit strange to use a naive bayes to generate features and a k-NN for classification - but if it works, it works.
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thanks for your guidance,
Do you think if I delete the whole K-NN process in GA and then bring the modeling process in GA (delete the splitting operator and using split validation), it work true ?
and about the model discussed, you are saying if my model works, so it is true. In this case the feature selection is done using K-NN or NB ? I get a little confused. I am new user to RM, so sorry for these questions.0