Is there a means for refreshing RapidMiners tables, without importing again?

Joseph Roy_20880
Joseph Roy_20880 New Altair Community Member
edited 2023 08 in Community Q&A

Once data is imported in RapidMiner, this data could not be refreshed when we are importing static files. But, we do have an option to connect directly to the database to access streaming data, which could help in real time analysis.



  • Rahul_P1
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 08
    There is a read csv or excel operator in rapidminer. This will get the updated file whenever you apply this as this points to the location where the files are saved rather than saving them in the repository.
    please consider using data loading via an operator instead of import if this happens on a regular basis.  The following video from RM Academy may be useful: