Multiple results while exporting .csv

Kristopher Barker_20867
Kristopher Barker_20867 New Altair Community Member
edited November 2023 in Community Q&A

I’m still new to Hypermesh and HyperView so please forgive what could be a basic question. My current workflow consists of exporting numerous .csv files results repeatedly. Then stitching them together, There must be a better way.

So, my question is, how can I export multiple sets of data with respect the load case and elements from HyperView in .csv file format? For example in each column would be; Load case, element number, 1D force X , 1D force Y ,  Stress Von mises P2 mid. For further post processing in excel.

Alternatively, with the op2 and H3D files can you read them in excel or otherwise and be able to pick out the data you need , yes I understand that could be potentially way to much information then you be able to use, but I’m curious if it could be done.


  • Michael Herve_21439
    Michael Herve_21439
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2023

    Hello @Kristopher Barker ,


    inside HyperView, if the contour data you need to output is lower or equal to 6, eg 1D force X, 1D force Y, 1D Stress Von Mises (for the 1D element) and 1D Stress P2, then you could use the following tweak:

    From the browser (through a right click anywhere), create a Derived Result, and in the pop-up, select Library: Math, and pick operator TensorFromScalar


    Then create a dummy tensor which will contain your 1D forceX, 1D forceY, 1D VonMises and 1D P2. The 2 other dimensions can be left to 0


    Now, plot this tensor with all its components (relmplace stress by your new tensor in the screenshot below), and export a table which contains: element id, loadcase, tensor data



    That said, and as you mentionned, what you want to do some Math operations outside of HyperView. There can be many reasons why you need to compute them. That said, Excel may not be always the most relevant one.

    We introduced a new framework in HyperMesh called Certification, which allows to do some complex Math. Plus, you can plug in Pyton or Altair Compose scripts:


    Hope this helps,


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2023

    Hello @Kristopher Barker ,


    inside HyperView, if the contour data you need to output is lower or equal to 6, eg 1D force X, 1D force Y, 1D Stress Von Mises (for the 1D element) and 1D Stress P2, then you could use the following tweak:

    From the browser (through a right click anywhere), create a Derived Result, and in the pop-up, select Library: Math, and pick operator TensorFromScalar


    Then create a dummy tensor which will contain your 1D forceX, 1D forceY, 1D VonMises and 1D P2. The 2 other dimensions can be left to 0


    Now, plot this tensor with all its components (relmplace stress by your new tensor in the screenshot below), and export a table which contains: element id, loadcase, tensor data



    That said, and as you mentionned, what you want to do some Math operations outside of HyperView. There can be many reasons why you need to compute them. That said, Excel may not be always the most relevant one.

    We introduced a new framework in HyperMesh called Certification, which allows to do some complex Math. Plus, you can plug in Pyton or Altair Compose scripts:


    Hope this helps,


    in addition to Michael's suggestion, which is really nice, if you want the data in tabular form, you could also request directly for OptiStruct to output it in ASCII format, by requestiing output in 'OPTI' format.

    OPTI will write an ascii file, easier to manipulate.


    But totally agree with Michael that there are more efficient tools for handling your results, if that's the case.