System identification with Hyperstudy

Philo Kirsch_20838
Philo Kirsch_20838 Altair Community Member
edited June 2024 in Community Q&A

Hi all,

for my optistruct analysis deck (see attachment), I would like to do a system identification.

What I would have to do is to modify this analysis deck into an analysis deck for Hyperstudy, where I can calculate the transfer function, compare the transfer function to a measured transfer function and optimize the CBUSH in order to align the two transfer functions.

Attached find the complete optistruct model (analysis deck is named os_lds_block.fem) and a png-file of the calculated model with an explanation of it's super elements (os_lds_block.png). 

Does anyone know how to make the necessary changes in the analysis deck, to perform a system identification with Hyperstudy?

Kind regards


  • Diana_38240
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2024

    Hi Philo,

    Thanks for engaging on the Community forum.

    To modify the baseline analysis deck into analysis deck for HyperStudy, you'd need to use Parameterized file model (use a tpl version of your fem). Please look at the youtube video below to see a demo about this (the example is about Radioss analysis, but the principle is the same).

    If I understand correctly, in your fem you'd like to parameterize some of these values. Is that correct?


    Then, for every evaluation (HyperStudy updating the values of the inputs) you'll compare the results extracted from the h3d to the measures?

    Kind regards,

    Altair support

  • Diana_38240
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2024

    Adding that the optimization problem can be defined either by:
    -Using System Identification goal: Transfer_function_simulated=Target (the measured value you'd like to reach);
    -Or using optimization goal to minimize the difference between simulated and measured value.

    Does that make sense?


  • Philo Kirsch_20838
    Philo Kirsch_20838 Altair Community Member
    edited June 2024


    thanks for your help.

    Meanwhile, I got the optimization running.

    What I needed was the information on how to (refer to the attached png files):

    - Create CBUSH Parameter

    - Define Output Response

    - Collect Data Sources

    - Create Objective

    I found it out with try and error and I get plausible results.


    Kind regards