Overview Videos: Introduction to Decision Trees - part 1

Altair Employee
edited December 2019 in Community Q&A

I recently had a request from one of our customers to send through a series of short overview videos to introduce their users to the capabilities of Knowledge Studio. The aim was to start with a high level walk through of some of the main nodes and then do a small dive into some of the lesser known features.

These are more focused on the how and not the why, i.e. the functionality of the tool rather than the data science process itself.

I've added them to the library already, but I'm going to post them individually here so that people can ask questions (and so that subscribers are notified).

This is an Introduction to Decision Trees - Navigating the Decision Tree node, building a tree, and manipulating the tree.

Let me know if I've missed anything, or if there's something that you'd like to see a short intro to. 

Alex Gobolos
Sales Engineer
Toronto ON