From set of elements to collector
Hi, I am able to create collector with name like set of elements name, which includes that element from that specify set. Could You help me to automatize that process. I have lots of entity sets and it would be great to run some tcl macro which will do job for me. I tried to looked up in command.tcl but when i use organize function it shows elements number for each elements set - that I cant use for tcl macro.
Best regards
*createmarkpanel sets 1 'Select sets:'
foreach setname [hm_getvalue sets mark=1 dataname=name] {
if {![hm_entityinfo exist comps $setname -byname]} {
*collectorcreateonly comps $setname '' 1
*createmark elems 1 'by set name' $setname
if {[hm_marklength elems 1]} {
*movemark elems 1 $setname
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thank You, but i have some issue, when I want to pick all sets, some of them becomes empty, when I use it one by one that issue not happening
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i checked that I have duplicated elements with different elements set - I need that, and than tcl macro overwrite one of them unfortunately