mesh size between small holes

jakub.ziontek Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hi All!


I have surface with huge number of small holes. When I want to keep shape of hole element size around it need to be small. Do You know what to setup in meshing option to keep small element size around hole, but to have bigger element size on areas between that small holes? I know I can create some washer split and mesh it, but is there some automatic function to say HM, 'create 8 nodes around hole, but keep bigger mesh size between them'?





  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2020

    You are looking for batch mesher capability. If you go to automesh panel F12, you can toggle to batch mesher, where you specify mesh criterea and parameters. Among them you will find washer and hole options. If you press F1 in this panel, help will show up.