Hyper mesh 2019 and group ID vizualization

Radoslaw Karbowski
Radoslaw Karbowski New Altair Community Member
edited 2023 19 in Community Q&A


Time to time I have to prepare FEA model (input deck wrote in txt editors) for ABQ analysis with huge number of surface element (group). I would like to know how quickly check and confirm that each group is defined on right elements and have corresponding contact definition on close component? IS there an option to display ID or Name of surface element organized into groups in graphic windows of Hypermesh 2019? Something like Node id which can be displayed in graphic windows. Is there similar but for contact name/group/surface elements?

Thanks for any help
BR, Radoslaw



  • Michael Herve_21439
    Michael Herve_21439
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 19

    Hello Radoslaw Karbowski,


    it is a bit counter-intuitive for us to share best practices on a 4 old year version.

    In version 2019 you still are dealing with the contact Manager. So the only way I see to check your entities is to review them one by one (at least the groups) from the Model Browser.

    From 2020, we rhave replaced the Contact Managerby the Contact Browser, which is much more user-friendly:




    Also, we improved a lot the auto-contact so that you do not need anymore to create contact surfaces by hand with text editor (if you still need it, I'm curious to know the reasons why ;) ).

    And it reduces as much as possible the need of checking after creation your contacts.


    Hope this helps,

    Best Regards,

    Michael Herve