Mesh error in STL format

I have been trying to repair a STL file so that I can run it on my CADFEKO. However, after repairing it on FreeCAD, it still shows an error and that is --- 'The triangle number 1 has neither an edge nor a connection point'. As I am new to this tool, I have no idea how to fix it. Please help.
Maybe share this STL file?
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@Q.Nguyen-Dai Please find the STL file edited on the question.
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No error/warning message when I import your STL into Hypermesh 2019.1
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Altair Forum User said:
No error/warning message when I import your STL into Hypermesh 2019.1
I get the error when I run it on CADFEKO with a frequency of operation from 3 GHz to 12 GHz and with a plane wave excitation.
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Sorry, I don't know CADFEKO. But I can confirm you that your STL is valid & readable
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