Regarding Activate Optimization using BobyqaOpti

I am trying to do Optimization in Activate.
I have a input signal(say Z-Displacement) given to the MS block in which we will get output signal. I want to do Optimization in such a way that my output signal should be same as input signal (Z displacement). How can I do that? I am new to this optimization. please help me with this
The optimization needs two infos: the current values of influencing parameters (e.g. controller gains) and the cost (e.g. qualtity of control => in your case difference between input and output). Output is a new set of influencing parameters and the cost of best variant.
For more details, please refer to the section on Optimization in the Extended Definitions for Advanced Users, chapter 6. You can find this PDF here or in your local installation. The demo browser contains all used models in folder tutorial_models/Extended_Book_Models.
Best regards