Modal Frequency optimization
Hello everyone,
I am trying to do an modal frequency optimisation using topography. I am getting the following error. Please help me out. I updated the version to 2017.2 but still I get the same error.
ERROR: The SUBCASE ID in ATT1 field of DRESP1 2 does not refer to a modal FRF subcase.
Hi Punith,
This is a know issue.
The work around is to create DREPS1 FREQ via Entiy Editor nor through panel
or don't select the load step while defining response.
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Hi Prakash,
the problem was not resolved in the tutorial file also. I have attached both model file and .fem file of the tutorial. Can you check it out?
Thanks and regards,
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The problem was solved thank you.
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Altair Forum User said:
The problem was solved thank you.
Glad to know that the problem is solved /emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20'>
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Hi Prakash,
I have one more question to you. I want to constrain my mode 1 frequency to 300 Hz and at the same time I want to optimize my stiffness of the model. I just have modal frequency subcase in my model and I want to run an topography optimization with the generation of beads. How can I do it? Because to set the compliance as my objective function we need the static loads right?
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Hi Punith,
yes you cannot have compliance or displacement responses for Eigen value problems.
As a workaround try this: Use mimimize mass and constraint the frequency. Check if this helps.
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Hi prakash,
it is working. Thank you so much. Now final step it to achieve the symmetric beads on the surface of the cylinder. How do I do that using pattern grouping?. I have attached the image similar to my model. Can you please mark the anchor point, first point and second point in the image? I tried with 2d radial method as I had 2D shell elements wit assigned thickness, but is not working for me.
Thanks and regards,
Punith Guptha
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Hi Punith,
not sure what kind of structure you have, but can you try with cylindrical type constraint?
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I already tried with cylindrical pattern grouping, it is trying to change the contour of the cylinder. But I would like to have some beads on the surface of the cylinder with out changing the contour of the cylinder. You can assume my model to be a simple cylindrical pipe as in the image.
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Punith did you try with 3 pln symmetry?
Please try that and let us know if that does not help can you try with cyc rad type grouping?