Which versions of Linux are supported with Altair Feko?

Altair Employee
edited June 2022 in Altair HyperWorks

Altair Feko 2022 officially supports the same platforms as the Altair Simulation Products (which may be found in the Altair Community Documentation).

For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 15 SP1 a minimum version of libxcb-xinput0 1.13-3.3.1 is required.

It is possible to run on other 64-bit Linux workstation platforms which are not officially supported. These include:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.3
  • CentOS 8.3

For CentOS and RHEL 8.3 the following packages are required:

  • xcb-util.x86_64
  • xcb-util-wm.x86_64
  • xcb-util-image.x86_64
  • xcb-util-keysyms.x86_64
  • xcb-util-renderutil.x86_64

The Feko workstation installation requires a minimum version of:

  • FreeType 2.6
  • Glibc 2.17
  • Libstdc++.so.6.0.19

Note: Altair Feko may install and run successfully on non-supported Linux distributions, but Altair does not test, certify or warrant the reliability of the products on these platforms.
