FAQ - Python for HyperMesh

Michael Herve_21439
Michael Herve_21439
Altair Employee
edited September 3 in Altair HyperWorks

This article is a collection of the questions which we collected through support requests for usage of Python from HyperMesh 2024, and which are not documented yet in the online help.


How can I access the data in the collections created by HyperMesh apart of using loops?


The collection can be turned into a list. It can be an expensive operation depending on the size of the collection,hence the collection does not behave as a list natively.



How to deal with collection outputs (collection set)?

In Python, the user has to supply an empty collection that gets populated by the function – a concept very different to Tcl where you specify mark ID and then query the mark afterwards. The example below shows how to get duplicated elements.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, PoliceDescription générée automatiquement


Why can’t I get list of attached entities with Python command findmark?


We detected an issue with HyperMesh 2024.0 and Python command for findmark, which will  be corrected in the future versions.