The problem occurs when the user has instructed Workbench to Never prompt for a workspace folder, yet some problem with the workspace folder is preventing Workbench from starting up.
In Windows Explorer, navigate to a hidden folder called .settings:
In WPS 4.x versions the .settings folder is called %LOCALAPPDATA%\World Programming\WPS\VERSION\configuration\.settings
From SLC 2023 version onwards the .settings folder is called %LOCALAPPDATA%\Altair\Analytics Workbench\VERSION\configuration\.settings
You may need to check "Hidden Items" on the View ribbon to navigate to this location.
Note that VERSION should be replaced with your Altair Analytics Workbench version number, e.g. 4.1 or 2023.
Note that %LOCALAPPDATA% will be converted by Windows into your local app data folder.
Right-click the file called org.eclipse.ui.ide.pref and select "Edit with Notepad" to edit this file.
Delete the line that begins RECENT_WORKSPACES=...
Restart Workbench. You should be prompted for a Workspace folder. You can enter the name of a new non-existent folder, and it will be created for you.