How do I change the Workbench use of the user's home folder on the C drive?

This information is for software administrators who are installing and configuring Altair Analytics Workbench for multiple users e.g. via a virtual desktop system such as Citrix.
By default Altair Analytics Workbench uses the following locations in each user’s home folder on the C: drive…
workbench.configuration.area=C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Local Settings\Application Data\Altair\Analytics Workbench
osgi.configuration.area=C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Local Settings\Application Data\Altair\Analytics Workbench\2024\configuration
osgi.instance.area.default= C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\Workbench Workspaces\Workspace1
(The third of these is the default location for the user's first Workspace folder.)
You can change the user’s config.ini file (C:\Program Files\Altair\Analytics Workbench\2024\eclipse\configuration\config.ini) to use alternative locations by editing the relevant three lines…for example…
workbench.configuration.area=Z:\\Altair Configuration Files\\$USERNAME$\\Analytics Workbench
osgi.configuration.area=Z:\\Altair Configuration Files\\$USERNAME$\\Analytics Workbench\\2024\\configuration
osgi.instance.area.default=Z:\\Altair Workspace Files\\$USERNAME$\\Workspace1
1. Be sure to protect every backslash with another backslash in all Windows paths. This means that shared path references begin with four backslashes as per \\\\my_shared_disk\\slc_configs\\$USERNAME$\\Workbench.
2. You can use Eclipse internal variables such as @user.home.
3. You can use environment variables by surrounding them with dollar signs, as per $USERNAME$ (Windows) or $USER$ (Linux).
4. The folder ‘2024’ represents the version number of the software. For other versions e.g. 2023, 2025 please use the relevant number.
5. The ‘osgi’ configuration area should be the same as the ‘workbench’ configuration area but with ‘\2024\configuration’ appended.
6. The default workspace area is used as a suggested location for the user only the first time they run Workbench. After that, their previously used Workspace folder is proposed.
7. You can check the actual values being used by the Workbench by visiting the Help menu > About Altair Analytics Workbench > Installation Details > Configuration.