How to verify the different Altair license methods for SLC on Windows?

(A) Single Machine
e.g. Windows 11
MSI's to install: Workbench, SLC, and Altair Licensing.
1. SETINIT (wpskey) legacy license
Apply the setinit license. Check the file C:\ProgramData\altair\slc\5\setinit.dat is in place.
Select 'Local Server' > menu > Restart
Check 'Log for Local Server' window.
Time until 'Log for Local Server' subwindow refresh: <1s.
Remove (or rename) the setinit.dat file.
2. ALM local license manager
Run 'almutil -hostid' and send Ethernet hostid to Altair. Receive back a file (e.g. ALUS_ALUK_20241020_815143.dat.
Provide the file when prompted by the Altair Licensing installer.
Check 'Services' - Altair License Server is running.
In Workbench choose Help > Apply License, On-Premise Altair License
For the location use fqdn, hostname, localhost, or or IP address.
SLC automatically restarts.
Check 'Log for Local Server' window shows the ALM address 6200@server... is being used.
Time until 'Log for Local Server' subwindow refresh ~2s.
Stop the service
3. Managed license
Arrange Managed license on AltairOne.
Choose Help > Apply License > Managed Altair License
Click 'New Authorisation'
SLC automatically restarts.
Check 'Log for Local Server' window shows that 'Altair Managed Licensing' is being used.
Time until 'Log for Local Server' subwindow refresh ~4s.
(To disable use of Managed License I went to Local Server > Properties > Startup > System Options and I set ALMHHWU to FALSE.)
(B) Second Windows machine runs ALM.
On the other machine, check 'Services' - Altair License Server is running.
In Workbench choose Help > Apply License, On-Premise Altair License
For the 'location' use 6200@server where server is replaced by the remove machine name - depending on your network you may need short hostname only, or fqdn, or IP address.
SLC automatically restarts.
Check 'Log for Local Server' window shows the ALM address 6200@server... is being used.
Time until 'Log for Local Server' subwindow refresh <1s.