How to restrict Aspect Ratio less than particular value?
Hi Guys,
I wanted to know how should I proceed with this challenge? I have a geometry where I make split and in that splitted area I want to keep my aspect ratio of elements < 5 STRICTLY by also keeping 2 rows of elements as shown below. I make calculations for deciding element size, but some elements are still having aspect ratio > 5.
Here are the calculations:
w0 = horizontal dist. = 7.5;
w1 = vertical dist. = 9.0;
AR = 5.0;
min(w0,w1) = 7.5
So, element length = floor(5.0 * (7.5/2)) = 18.0;
So I specify element size as 18 in automesh module and some elements have aspect ratio > 5.
Code snippet:
set AR 5.0; # aspect ratio # CREATING LIST TO STORE WELD LENGTHS set weld_lengths [list $::WeldEdit::g_var(w0) $::WeldEdit::g_var(w1)]; set x [expr {[::tcl::mathfunc::min {*}$weld_lengths]/2.0 * $AR}]; set elem_length [expr floor($x)]; puts "Element global size: $elem_length"; *interactiveremeshsurf 2 $elem_length 4 4 2 1 1 set flatsurfs [hm_getmark surfs 2]; set flatsurfsqty [llength $flatsurfs]; # no of flat surfaces attached to the selected lines by user puts "No of flat surfaces: $flatsurfsqty"; for {set i 0} {$i < $flatsurfsqty} {incr i} { *set_meshfaceparams $i 2 4 0 0 1 0.5 1 1 *automesh $i 2 4 } *storemeshtodatabase 1 *ameshclearsurface
If you have anything in mind then please help me out here.
Hello Akshay,
You should be leveraging Batchmesher capabilities. You only need to Edit Criteria and Parameter Files.
Check this video out: Reduce 2D mesh effort with param and criteria (
Kind Regards,
Paulo Libório.0