Problem with smear core in laminate option in composites (Hyperworks)

I have a problem using the smear core laminate option in composites. I want to modelize a simple plate with a core of 1.5 mm in the middle and 4 plies in the upper and bottom face sheet. Because I am new in Hyperworks I choose this simple problem. In order to modelize this example I decided to use the option "smear core" in the laminate option. The description of this option is the following:
"The last ply in the stack specifies the core. Plies above specify the face sheet. Stiffness of the core is ignored. Stiffness of the face sheet is calculated using the Smear calculations described above. Half the thickness of the face sheet is placed above the core and half is placed on the bottom to produce a symmetric laminate."
According to this description I was expecting that only the first 4 plies of the upper face sheet needed to be specified. The fifth would be the core and then I would instantly have another 4 plies in the bottom face sheet, in order for the laminate to be symmetric.
Did I understand correctly the logic of this option? Does the "smear core" option describe something else?
SMEAR is an approximation, meaning that your ply stacking will be "averaged", so that they're stacking sequence independent.
CORE means that this do not apply to the center ply, which is the core.
In you case, you could define 5 layers, and use symmetric stacking, for example.
Let's say you have:
SYMMETRIC: you could create 5 plies (0, 90,90,0, core(half_of_thickness)) and make it symmetric, so that these 5 plies will be "reflected".
Or you could just create explicitely all your 9 plies, and the center one is the 1.5mm core.
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Thank you very much for your answer.
Another possible way to express the laminate of 0/90/90/0/core/0/90/90/0 with the smear core option would be the following?
Smear core: I would create the 8 plies of the face sheets and the ninth would be my core. For example: