Configure Security Parameters for Specific Users in LicenseMonitor (Admin Only)

System Administrator
Altair Employee

When you first install LM, you will want to set permissions for specific users.
Note: You need admin permissions to perform this task.
- Go to http://localhost:5555/admin.
Figure: LM Admin Page - Scroll down to the Project Configuration Files section, click on the Security file link. A new page will display, which explains how to set permissions. The page itself defines who has access to the VOV server for LM.
- Set the security level for the user as Read only, User, Leader or Admin. See the table below for specifics on what each security level indicates.
User Security Level Description Read Only Minimum privileges; a user can only browse the information but cannot change anything User A user can only execute established flows and view non critical information. In particular, a user can: - Create, modify or forget his own jobs
- Create, modify or forget his own files
- Create, modify or forget his own set
- Modify or forget dependencies
- Create/modify/start/stop/forget own slave
- Remember jobs owned by other users
Leader A leader can create and execute arbitrary flows and view all non-security related information. In particular, a leader can: - Start or stop his own slaves
- Forget all jobs, including jobs owned by another user
- Save trace database to disk
Admin An admin has access to most security information. In particular, an admin can: - Forget jobs owned by other users
- Stop jobs owned by other users (no user can modify another user's jobs)
- Stop the server
- Stop/modify/forget the slaves
- Refresh slave cache
- Destroy a user
- Destroy a host
- Create or destroy alerts
- Create, modify or destroy resource map
- Reserve resource
- Create, modify or destroy preemption rule
- Create, modify or destroy multiqueue objects (LM sites, NC queues, resources)
- Create, modify or destroy LM objects (licdaemons, features)
- Configure the security parameters in accordance with these rules. The security rule is: vtk_security <userName> <securityLevel> <hostList1> where:
- <username> is the case-sensitive login name of a user.
- <securityLevel> is READONLY, USER, LEADER, ADMIN (case insensitve).
- <hostList> is a list of one or more host names, which is either an actual host name.
Figure: LM Admin Page for Setting User Security Parameters
- When done, click the Save button.