Renumbering nodes and element ids

Use tool > renumber , select the necessary entities , start with 1000 and increment by 1 for your nodes, for instance.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
read about it in help -
HyperWorks Desktop Applications > HyperMesh > User's Guide > HyperMesh Panels > HyperMesh Panels Listed Alphabetically:
Renumber Panel
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Altair Forum User said:
I want to renumber some nodes and elements starting with some specific number.
For example, for a particular set of nodes i want to renumber from 1001 to 1050, and elements from 50 to 100.
For renumbering elements, Tool => renumber => Select 'elems' dans la liste (see screenshot).
Define the starting number et an increment to do.
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I want to renumber my nodes and elements which belong to differents components according to their component ID.
For example I want all the nodes and elements belonging to component ID =1 to be renumbered from 100000 to 199999
and all the nodes and elements belonging to component ID =2 to be renumbered from 200000 to 299999.
and all the nodes and elements belonging to component ID =3 to be renumbered from 300000 to 399999.
Is there any way I could do this automatically ?Thank you for your help,
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I am not sure whether available tool is in new version. Pls check.
#First, in order to free id ranges, renumber all elems to max range (from v13 upto 999,999,999):
*createmark elems 1 all
set enum [hm_marklength elems 1]
set start [expr 999999999-$enum]
*renumbersolverid elems 1 $start 1 0 0 0 0 0
#renumber elems in comps:
*createmarkpanel comps 1 'Select comps to renumber elems:'
foreach compid [hm_getmark comps 1] {
*createmark elems 1 'by comp id' $compid
*renumbersolverid elems 1 ${compid}00000 1 0 0 0 0 0
You must check length of compid, if it is higher than 9999 then it is overflow