Element projection

After generating mesh for any assembly, it will be very difficult to check which elements are not projcted to surface.
This is even more difficult to check when Geometry and CDB files are imported seperately.
Is there is any script or a method to hilight the elements/node which are not on the surfaces/not projected to surfaces.
If you mesh it by automesh, there is a way:
Shift F2 >add temp nodes for all
Click button 'nodes'>by geom>surfs, select all surfs> add to selection> clear
Remained nodes are not projected to surfs.
If you import mesh & cad separatedly, you must have a script to check distance from each node to cad surfs.
Roughly, try pulldown menu Mesh>Check>Elements>Comparison
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For option 2: is it possible to develop a script for same purpose i.e importing CAD and mesh separately.(since am new to scripting)
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Yes, make a loop for each node id, use hm_measureshortestdistance to calculate distance to surfs then mark yellow it if d > a certain value
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