How to delete nodes on surface edges

Altair Employee
edited January 2024 in Community Q&A

I am new to HM, right now learning meshing.  I created nodes on an edge with Topology Split Interactive for density control.  When I leave that tool, the nodes are not visible and stay hidden until I go back into that tool and click on an edge at which time the previous nodes become visible along with the one created by clicking.  How do I see those nodes outside of the tool and how do I delete those nodes?  Also, as I was trying to figure those out, I ended up creating a  bunch of Xs with Topology Points/Nodes tool.  How do I delete those also?



  • AnılBurak
    AnılBurak Altair Community Member
    edited January 2024

    Hello jk,

    The things you create with the split interactive tool are "fixed points". Not nodes. When you select nodes, the points where the yellow colored elements are connected to each other. To delete fixed points, you can remove fixed points by holding down the "shift" key in the split interactive tool. To delete free points, you can take the enttiy selector on pointe. "After selecting the free points, you can delete them directly with the delete button."

    Free points are reference points. They have no direct relationship with the mesh or fixe point. Fixed points are a topological entity. You create a permanent point in the geometry. If the mesh and cad are assosicated, a node passes through each point of these fixed points. 



  • JKrueger
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2024

    Thanks Anil!