Triamesh error in contact analysis

Hello, I'm trying to run a simple multibody analysis with contact. When I start the analysis after a few seconds the following error message appears.
Hello Christos,
It could be due to the coarseness of the mesh. Can you try updating the contact mesh for contacts in the Entity Editor when you select the imported graphic OR when you use the import "Geometry or FEM using Hypermesh"?
I am including a link that goes over best practices for contacts:
Christopher Fadanelli
1 -
Hi Christos,
The graphic you have chosen for this contact may not be suitable for use due too poor geometry or broken faces. If possible, I would replace the contact graphic with a primitive graphic, such as a cylinder, and trying the contact again.
If the contact shape is complex, it may difficult to make with only primitive graphics. It may be worthwhile instead to redraw the shape in Inspire and then exporting the parasolid back into MotionView for use in this contact.
Hope this helps!
Adam Reid
1 -
Hey Christo,
Just adding to the good practices that others have suggested, I was having a similar issue plus a few others and it was due to the way either solidworks was exporting my models or motionview was importing them.
Switching to importing/exporting parasolids solved this issue for me.
Andreas1 -
Hi Christos,
I also met the problem you met. Finally I found the reason is you did not save the model before you let the software to run motion analysis with contact(s).
You can try:
1, File - Export - Model - Archive model - Select Directory (you select a folder on drive) - Export
2, Then you try your analysis with contact(s), maybe you can get the software run well.