Question regarding OS-T: 4050 Optimization of a Horizontal Tail Plane

Vuk Blagojević
Vuk Blagojević Altair Community Member
edited March 2024 in Community Q&A


I am doing OS-T: 4050 Optimization of a Horizontal Tail Plane. In one step it says to create a buckling load step. I enter V1 = 0, V2is left blank, and ND = 10. When I go into Load Step Inputs, and I click on one it shows me V1 = 80769.2 and ND = 7????

Is this an error in 2021.2?

Thank you.



  • Vuk Blagojević
    Vuk Blagojević Altair Community Member
    edited March 2024

    Hello, I followed everything and then I want to visualize composite failure, ply failure this is not available to be. Why is this? I have 2021.2 version.

    Also, the max displacement I get 0.549 instead of 0.596, and the stress in ribs is 554.6 instead of 514 this is shown. Can you help me understand why?