Launching CADFEKO (Linux)
There are several options available to launch CADFEKO in Linux.
Launch CADFEKO using one of the following workflows:
- Open CADFEKO using the Launcher utility.
- Open a command terminal. Use the absolute path to the location where the CADFEKO executable resides, for example:
<kbd class="ph userinput">/home/user/<span class="keyword">2022.2</span>/altair/feko/bin/cadfeko</kbd>
- Open a command terminal. Source the “initfeko” script using the absolute path to it, for example:
. /home/user/<span class="keyword">2022.2</span>/altair/feko/bin/initfeko
Sourcing initfeko ensures that the correct Feko environment is configured. Type cadfeko and press Enter.Note: Take note that sourcing a script requires a dot (".") followed by a space (" ") and then the path to initfeko for the changes to be applied to the current shell and not a sub-shell.