Is 'Altair Driver' necessary to perform simulations of a vehicle on a road course? #importedADAMSmodel

Hello all,
TLDR: I would like to simulate an imported vehicle model on a e.g. rough road , but am unsure how to approach without using the 'Altair Driver'.
I received an ADAMS .adm model which I imported into MotionView to convert it to an MDL model. As mentioned in the MotionView user-guide, the model created is "flat" in that it does not contain a hierarchical structure and contains more markers and points than a typical MDL model. When I perform a check of the model, I receive 0 errors.
Considering most or all of the vehicle simulation tutorials utilize an 'Altair Driver' and 'Auto Tires', I added these AutoEntities to the model, and paid careful attention to select (what I believe to be) correct attachments [for the Driver] and collectors [for the Auto Tires]. However, when I attempt to perform a e.g. default 'Constant Radius Event' simulation, I recieve the following 'Application Error':
while executing
invoked from within
".!!frame.!frame.!frame7.!button3 invoke"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]"
(procedure "tk::ButtonUp" line 24)
invoked from within
"tk::ButtonUp .!!frame.!frame.!frame7.!button3"
(command bound to event)
My questions include:
- What does the above 'Application Error' actually mean in layman's terms?
- Is it possible to perform a vehicle simulation without using 'Altair Driver'? (the content from 'Knowledge Base KB0116962' leads me to believe it is not)
- Could it be worthwhile to recreate this vehicle model using the 'Assembly Wizard - Full Vehicle with Driver' as a baseline? (While this would likely take quite a bit of time, my worry / motivation is that if I attempt to continue to troubleshoot / debug the imported model I am currently working with, I could still be facing issues / errors weeks from now with no significant progress.
I have limited experience with MotionView and MBD simulations in general, so any help or advice (where / how to proceed from here) is greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
Hello Eric - I see you have a support case created for the same topic. But I will respond here (keeping in mind this is a public forum) in brief: ADM import is not recommended for vehicle models at all, or for complex models which have user subroutines (as vehicle models do). Simpler ADAMS models can be run as-is in MotionSolve.
As you've found, the imported ADM model is very tough to navigate due to the flat hierarchical structure. Second, the user subroutines that the ADM refers to are not available to MotionSolve, which could be a potential source of errors when trying to run it.
More in the support case.