I would like to mechanic vibration source or another named is shaker then I decided to use scotch-yoke yoke mechanism which provided pure sine motion
in which how to define pin-slot join?
I attached my model
Can you share the shaker_graphic.h3d file?
Please use File transfer link in my signature below tot share the file.
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model file was attached I try to realize contact between flywheel pin and yoke
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Can you share the related graphics H3d file?
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I sent file your transfer link
pls look at
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Can you check if there is a file with name shaker_graphics.h3d is available in your working directory?
If yes, please do share that file.
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I sent different files which I desire model
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To run the file I need the graphics file which is used to create .mdl file. Please see the image and kindly share the .h3d file
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I uploaded model files
move I desired, while flywheel rotating at constant, yoke must move in y direction
in which I cannot define required joint between flywheel and yoke slot
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hi, my document was upload above can you help me
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OK, I will check and update to you soon.
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The folder you shared does not have graphics. h3d file. I will share the location of the file on your machine by message.
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mr pagadala I think you can only teamviewer
also I share my dropbox file
can you give me a email adress which is belong to you
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hi, I made it as you defined above
can you help me for contacting yoke and flywheel
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Thanks for sharing the files. Since I dont have the CAD model, you can try to have contact only between yoke and flywheel pin and check if that helps?
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yes I try to realize contact between flywheel pin and yoke as pin - slot but I cannot it
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It is highly recommended to mesh the model in HyperMesh and use a proper mesh to simulate contacts in MotionSolve. I would suggest you to go through this tutorial MV-1010: 3D Mesh to Mesh Contact Simulation
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did you look at my model
what is my mistake ?
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Yes, I see that CG for all bodies lie in same location. Is there a reason for that?
You need to model joints origin point properly for example for re-volute joint, this is the point where the bodies revolve around. Please change it.
Try to mesh the bodies which comes in contact in HM and use the same for creating contacts.
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ans1 this mechanism or machine was designed in order to convert the circular move to planar movement therefore flywheel-yoke contact require so mechanism is designed as model
ans2 in this mechanism roller bearing and flywheel together have to revolve with shaft therefore I had to fix ball-bearing and flywheel to shaft
ans3 this suggestion you offered is important for me I have to mesh in hypermesh therefore import from motionview is ok?
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Altair Forum User said:
ans2 in this mechanism roller bearing and flywheel together have to revolve with shaft therefore I had to fix ball-bearing and flywheel to shaft
I agree but it does not mean that the entire shaft and roller bearing should revolve around an axis instead of its own axis when both axis are col linear
Yes, you can mesh in HyperMesh and import in MotionView.
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how to realize your suggest can you give any suggestion
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Create a point at the bottom center of the shaft and use that point as the origin for re-volute joint.