CAE Connectors Extension now available for AI Studio

So you've run a simulation or two, but what do you now do with the data you've produced? Of course, Altair has a number of tools available to plot and post-process this data to help accelerate engineering, such as HyperView and HyperGraph. However, many users still utilise tools such as Excel in their workflows to perform calculations on extracted tabular data. Anything more complex has traditionally required resorting to scripting in perhaps Python or tcl, meaning that some users can feel left behind and not perform additional data analysis. This is where this new extension comes in, allowing the importing of CAE results files directly into Altair RapidMiner, a leading Data Analytics platform. In this first release, the extension is released for AI Studio, and utilises Altair Compose and Python in the backend to allow for the data extraction. A community post listing the requirements can be found here:
The connector is made up of two operators, List CAE Objects and Select CAE Object. The first extracts a directory object from the CAE file, essentially a list of what is in the results file. This then feeds into the second operator, which performs the actual data extraction based on the settings the user provides. The data is then available in RapidMiner native format for further analysis. A tutorial is bundled with the extension, showing finding the peaks from a FRF analysis, which can then be compared with the modal analysis results for accuracy. I've attached the tutorial h3d file to this blog post.
Below is a video showing another end to end example, this time comparing an analysis result to test data stored in a database.
Have a go, and please let me know your feedback! We're always keen to hear user experiences, and improve functionality in future releases.