What's New in Inspire Print3D

Inspire Print3D 2022 has now been released as part of Inspire, and includes the following new features and enhancements:
New Binder-Sinter Print Process
A new 3D printing process has been added for this release. Inspire now allows you to define the print part, oven, orientation, and setters for a binder-sinter simulation, and then perform a shrinkage + compensation analysis.
Quick Setup for Binder-Sintering
Just select the printed part, define the setters, and configure your oven curve. Inspire Print 3D can predict the green part based on the shrinkage compensation.
Sag Prediction
The Sag Preview tool shows what the expected deformation of the part will be after the sintering process. The preview appears in seconds and can be used to define setters or improve the part orientation.
Results Deformation
You’ll also be able to measure the maximum deformation of the part during the sintering process, so you can make decisions regarding setters, orientation, and process conditions.
Sinter Deviation
Run a sintering analysis and compare the deviation from the original CAD shape you get after sintering.
Export the Green Parts
Finally, you’ll be able to export the green part (compensated shape) to be printed and sintered.
The full release notes are available at: