Fuselage Parametric Modelling

As the title and summary state, this post is a demonstration of using tcl scripting, specifically for parametric model creation. The script we are showing the use of is attached to this post as well.
The parameters we will be using to create our fuselage are the radius, length, number of frames, number of longerons, and mesh size. These numbers are input by the user when the tcl script is loaded into HyperMesh. The dialog can be seen below.
There are also some default values included into the dialog as guidance to the ratio of certain inputs that make sense. This was included after a user, myself, put in a tiny mesh size relative to the other numbers and spent half an hour waiting for the results.
The script also creates a property card for each of the skin bays as can be seen below.
Overall, this is just a fun tool that could be used to create many variations of a simple fuselage quickly.