Panopticon 2021.2 now available
Panopticon 2021.2 is now available to all licensed users and we recommend that all customer organizations plan their upgrades now. This video provides a high-level overview of the improvements in this new release:
Here’s a more detailed list of the changes in Panopticon 2021.2:
- Time Series Date Filters: Exclude individual points in time when filtering time series data
- Timespans: Define multiple non-business hour timespans
- Rank Filters: Two new modes support overall ranking or peer-ranking within groups of items
- Aggregations: New numeric “Unique” aggregation and support for the "Count Distinct" aggregate in Heat Matrix
App Building
- New Range Slider: Set minimum and maximum limits
- Form submissions: Pass values for multiple parameters
- Initialization of parameter values from data or user input
User Experience
- New ways to share bookmarks within an organization
- New tools for easier dashboard layout, editing, and maintenance
- Improved touchscreen interactivity for tablet devices
- Numeric Stacked Area Graph: New Timeseries Stacked Area option
- Line Graphs: Curve smoothing allows dashboard designers to choose between smooth, linear, or stepped interpolation between data points
- Map Plots and Scatterplots: Add direction arrows on lines between data points
- Dot Plots: Alpha blending and new shapes as markers
- Visual Tables: Display shapes next to text values
- Easy upload of custom fonts to the server for use in dashboards and PDF reports
- New scheduled email task type enables free-form HTML layout with inline images and parameterized values
- TLS (Transport Layer Security) support for Kx kdb+ and Kx kdb+tick connectors
- Protobuf message support in Solace and Kafka connectors with simple updating of message schemas
- Pluggable message parsers allow use of custom message parsers for proprietary data formats
- User session token synchronization across server clusters support transparent transfer of users between servers within the cluster
- Kubernetes cluster deployment support allow enterprises to deploy Panopticon Real Time in containers on Kubernetes
Stream Processing
- New expression builder makes writing complex expressions for stream processing easier and faster
- Pluggable Java transforms allow the use of custom Java code in Streams data pipelines
Click here to access the complete set of user documentation
Find all the download links on the AltairOne Marketplace website
Click here for technical support
We are happy to help you plan your upgrade and walk you through the changes in this new release. Contact us to schedule a call.
PLEASE NOTE: Panopticon 2021.2 is the last release that will support Microsoft Internet Explorer 11. Future releases will support only current versions of Chrome and Safari browsers and will not support Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.