HyperStudy Tips and Tricks: #4 - Registering Solver Scripts with Solver Path Guidance
Hello Design Explorers,
Did you know that by default, HyperStudy attempts to auto-register solvers it finds in the same HyperWorks installation? You might be wondering, how do I register a solver that is installed separately? In certain scenarios, individual products are installed in their own directory.
Registering solvers installed in a separate directory can be a long and drawn out process because you have to first open the help manual of the solver you are trying to register and then locate the solver path. Who has time for that?
HyperStudy understands time is of the essence and has added a feature to help guide you along the solver registration process.
When registering a solver script via the Register Solver Script dialog, you can quickly lookup a solver's default file path via the Path column. Note: You need to update the <installation_root> so that it references the solver directory on your machine.
When editing the location of the solver script, by clicking the folder icon in the Path column, HyperStudy displays the default file path as the title of the file selection dialog for ease of reference.
You can find more information about registering solver scripts in the HyperStudy help.
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